Teaching Students with Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition that affects 1-3% of the overall population with some studies even showing 60% of adults over 60 being affected!

Physical exercise, Pilates and yoga are usually recommended to those that suffer from scoliosis, however, as this is a complex condition there are a few things we have to consider as yoga teachers if we want to teach yoga safely to those that suffer from it.

In this 2 part workshop you will learn: 

  • What is scoliosis and how to recognize different curves - what is the difference between structural and functional scoliosis, adult scoliosis vs idiopathic adolescent scoliosis
  • Physiological and emotional challenges your students may face - understanding potential triggers and physical and emotional implications  
  • How yoga can be beneficial for those with scoliosis - what types of practices are useful, how can you help your student as yoga teacher 
  • Which yoga poses to avoid and approach with caution - re-evaluating common yoga poses with risks versus benefits
  • Recommended yoga poses - how to help your 1 to 1 yoga students and what poses to focus on
  • Adjustments & language - how to use touch and language to guide your student. Re-evaluating cues and adjustments. 
  • Special considerations with spinal fusion - what different types of fusion are there, what do we have to be mindful of, yoga poses to avoid
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